Here's A Group Of Baby Sloths Talking To Each Other, Because You Deserve It
By Margot HarrisUpdated Nov. 19 2020, 9:58 p.m. ET
As the living nightmare that is 2017 drags on, the work weeks feel longer — and sometimes it feels like the weekend may never arrive.
It's in those moments of weakness that we have to go to our happy place. And, if you're smart, that place includes adorable sloths from the Internet. If this applies to you this week, you're in luck.
Though we typically search for videos containing a couple of cute puppies or even a cheeky cat, a group of sloths in Central America caught our eye (and many others') with their adorably playful demeanor. Unfortunately, there's no Rosetta Stone for "sloth."
The Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica might be the happiest place on Earth — mostly because the place is crawling with baby sloths.
The facility, located in Cahuita, "advocates for the protection and rehabilitation of sloths in recovery," while promoting initiatives to educate the surrounding community on the importance of the species to the Costa Rican environment.
The website even boasts the option of visitors taking a "sloth tour" — which sounds like the most promising activity ever.
The rehabilitated sloths, once they're healthy enough, get exercise and play time outside (and the photos are heartwarming AF).
The orphaned creatures bond with each other once they come to the sanctuary.
The following video, which was filmed in 2014 but has recently gone viral, features baby sloths having a little conversation in the form of adorable squeaks.... And our hearts are pretty much exploding with joy.
It's no surprise the video has reached 2.5 million views.
So, when it feels you just can't make it through the final stretch of the week, remember that baby sloths squeak at each other. And you could escape to Costa Rica to take a sloth tour.
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